Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Natural Remedies Save Our Pets!

Our pets need some undivided health attention! Just like us, they can be affected by germs and pollutants. They can even suffer from emotional problems like depression, anxiety, ADHD and other behavioral problems. Physical ailments such as arthritis, diabetes, digestive disorders, kidney & liver disease, skin disorders, obesity and thyroid dysfunction are also becoming more prevalent in our domesticated animals.

We want our pets to live a long and healthy life. Many of these ailments can be prevented, relieved, and even cured by using a combination of lifesyle changes and natural medicine. Contrary to popular assumptions, annual vaccinations and even commercial pet foods have been highly suspected of the rising rates of chronic illness in pets today according to pet expert and author CJ Puotein.

Animals have been known to seek out and eat medicinal herbs - they know that nature often has the answers! Natural medicine can help your pets just like it can help you. Although they might need help from the veterinarian, natural remedies can complement the vet's care - without any side effects that can actually damage their health that accompany synthetic drugs and antibotics.

I've been using the natural remedies for pets found at Healthy Meds 4 Pets and You and have seen a radical change for good in all of our pets,(and we have many!) I always keep some preventional remedies on hand so I'm ready as soon as I see any symptoms!

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